The Egyptian authorities are doing their best to recover the Egyptian artefacts from museums around the world. The Egyptian authorities say that museums have on the world of "stolen" antiquities to return to Egypt. Zawi Hawass, the head of the Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities has lost most instrumental in this quest to restore the heritage of the country. After his appointment as head of the Ancient Council in 2002, Hawass has tirelesslytry again the precious relics back to their homeland.
Hawass is a courageous decision, Oct. 7, when he decided to severe all ties with the famous Louvre Museum in France, the Louvre gives to a series of major paintings in Egypt. Hawass has also made sure that the Louvre does not have to carry out excavations in Egypt, Egyptologist and has banned a former Louvre from a speech in Cairo. Abdel Halim Nureddin, a spokesman for the Department of Antiquities said in October10 testify that the Egyptian people the right of ancient art. Earlier, Egypt relations with other museums, such as St. Louis stopped in the United States. The authorities of the Louvre, finally relented and decided to bet on the reliefs in Egypt on October 10. The findings, as Steele is known to have been chipped from the walls of the tomb of nobles and show Tetaki journey of a man in the afterlife.
Other relics from the Egyptian authorities have also asked the bustNefertiti, Akhenaten's queen of the Berlin Museum, the Rosetta Stone from the British Museum, the Dendera Zodiac from the Louvre, the bust of the pyramid builders Ankhaf by the Boston Museum of Fine Arts and a statue of the architect Hemiunu, currently in place on Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Germany. The inscriptions on the Rosetta Stone Basalt was key to unlocking the mysteries of the Egyptian Hierglyphics.
Meanwhile in Germany, the renovated New Museum, home ofNefertiti relic, reopened Oct. 23. Hawass insisted that the statue of 3500 years, Egypt has been stolen from a century ago.
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